Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Week 2: Tectonics

 Hong Kong is located within the Eurasian plate. Looking at the map it is located West of the Philippine plate (encircled in red). It is rather far away from the closest tectonic boundary which is a convergent boundary that runs through Japan, Taiwan, and the Philippines. 

Expect to learn more about Hong Kong's seismic activity next week, when I'll talk about earthquakes.



  1. Very nice tectonic introduction for your country! I loved the map and how clear it is to see where the (convergent) plate boundaries are! Congratulations.

  2. Hi Tyson,
    My country Ireland, is also in the Eurasian plate, but on the opposite side over by England. I also like the map you used to show each plate.

  3. Hi Tyson! I like how you included a visual, it really helped me locate exactly what plate boundary your country sits on. Great work!


Final Blog: Main Hazards

 The two main natural hazards of Hong Kong are mass wasting and flooding. I believe these hazards should be the priorities of Hong Kong due ...